The story of the path to nuclear peace
A compelling exploration of an overlooked sports narrative. is developing this project to shed light on an untold story in sports history, combining their passion for athletics with their commitment to sharing impactful narratives about a founding part of American history.
A heartwarming children's story and coloring book exploring the essence of being a UCLA Bruin. is developing this project to celebrate Ciara's experience as a Bruin cross-country runner and steeplechaser, aiming to inspire young readers with the spirit of collegiate athletics and community.
An engaging true story comic book chronicling how JFK, Einstein, and Linus Pauling contributed to nuclear peace. is crafting this narrative to highlight the unexpected connections in history, with a personal touch as Linus Pauling is an extended cousin of Chris McCoy. The project aims to educate and entertain readers about pivotal moments in scientific diplomacy.